UBIMOTIF is a joint training and research program with focus on identification, characterization and exploitation of short linear motifs in the ubiquitin system. The consortium includes 13 research groups and 6 partners from 10 European countries.
UBIMOTIF is funded by Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (MSC-ITN) under the European Commission's Horizon 2020 programme, grant agreement 860517. The project started officially on 1 December 2019 and will run for four years.

To build a European-wide network assembling outstanding scientists at the forefront of SLiM and ubiquitin biology.
Read about the project at the EU Commission CORDIS website
- Train 15 highly skilled researchers ideally suited to support a European knowledge based economy.
- Create strong long lasting links between relevant academic and industrial partners that will position European science and industry at the forefront of SLiM and ubiquitin research.
- Explore novel therapeutic possibilities within the ubiquitin system that can contribute to the pipelines of European companies.
The ubiquitin system is a major promising source for novel therapeutic approaches but its potential has not been fully exploited due to our limited understanding of ways to target the ubiquitin system. Ubiquitin ligases and deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) are enzymes that actively add or remove ubiquitin from proteins to regulate cell physiology. How these enzymes selectively recognize their substrates is largely unknown but an emerging theme is that a globular domain in the enzyme binds a short linear interaction motif (SLiM) in the substrate.
The UBIMOTIF consortium aims to exploit novel technological advances to identify, characterize and exploit SLiMs on substrates that mediate interactions with ubiquitin ligases and DUBs.