Stefano Gianni at Sapienza University of Rome
The Department of Biochemical Sciences of Sapienza University of Rome is one of the biggest and most prestigious Universities in Europe. Stefano Gianni is Professor of Molecular Biology and Director of the PhD Program in Biochemistry. His group has a solid knowledge in protein engineering and biophysics, with particular emphasis on protein folding and protein-protein recognition.
The research project will be focused on the understanding of the folding and binding properties of SPRY and MATH domain. We will employ site-directed mutagenesis in synergy with biophysical techniques to unravel reaction mechanisms at nearly atomic resolution. The successful candidate will work in a international, multidisciplinary and dynamic group with extensive opportunities to be trained in several biophysical techniques, as well as in contribute to the advance in knowledge in protein folding and function.
Stefano Gianni
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Sapienza University of Rome